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哈利波特(丹尼尔•雷德克里夫 Daniel Radcliffe 饰)结束了假期,即将回到霍格沃兹继续学习魔法.一个叫多比的家养小精灵警告哈利不要回到霍格沃兹,否则会陷入极大的危险.哈利没有听从多比的劝告,回到了霍格沃兹.很快,霍格沃兹发生了一连窜怪事:接二连三出现学生被石化,一直找不出原因.而哈利总能听到一种奇怪的声音,从墙壁里传出来.
Harry Potter (as Daniel Radcliffe Daniel Radcliffe) end of the holiday is coming back to school to learn magic. A name is more than the house elves warned Harry not to go back to school, otherwise they will be in great danger. Harry did more than advice, went back to school. Soon the school produced a succession of strange things: the students one after another is petrified, always cannot find a reason. Harry always hear a strange sound, from the walls came out.
School legend, has a secret chamber, which records his young secret, only Slytherin man to open the chamber of secrets. Harry accidentally discovered that he could understand the snake spoke, a rumor is Harry opened the chamber of secrets. Is more than the risk hidden in the room?