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分别用英文 写罗斯福,美国国会和美国人三者对于参加二战的看法,
Roosevelt’s attitude of entering WW2
Roosevelt was one of those American politicians who were worried of the spreading Fascism in the middle of 1930s.In the October of 1937,he addressed the ‘Quarantine Speech’ aiming to contain aggressor nations.He proposed that warmongering states be treated as a public health menace and be ‘quarantined’.Meanwhile,he secretly stepped up a program to build long range submarines that could blockade Japan.However,due to the public pressure,he did said the US would not join a ‘stop-Hitler bloc’ under any circumstances where he made it quite clear in the event of German aggression against Czechoslovakia,the US would remain neutral.
When WW2 broke out in 1939,he threw away the Wilsonian neutrality stance and started to assist Britain and France.He introduced Neutrality Act of 1939 to deal with the expansion of the Third Reich which allowed some extend of military products exports to UK and France.And in 1940,the Lend-Lease was introduced.Roosevelt said that the US became the great ‘arsenal of democracy’.One year later,the US joined the WW2.
The Congress of US
After WW1,the isolationism had a large impact in the Congress of US.In the complicated situation of the 1930s,many politicians in the Congress believed in isolationism mainly due to the heavy lost of US military in WW1 and the suspicions of spreading communism from the USSR.
In 1935,the Congress introduced the Neutrality Act of 1935 to forbid US citizens to make exports of arsenals to the belligerents.In the next two years,two add-on acts were introduced to make the neutrality stance with less legal loopholes.The Republican senator,Arthur H.Vandenberg even supported the laws of forbidding US citizens traveling with belligerents’ ships.
Before Japanese sudden stroke of Pearl Harbor,the isolationism was the major opinion of the Congress.
The US public opinion
It was hard to show a neutral and accurate introduction of how the US public views about joining the war.The heavy lost in WW1 made people have some certain fear of joining a ‘European Conflict’.However,the fall of Paris did make many Americans witness the spread of autocracy.They started to support the so-called ‘Arsenal of Democracy’.
Before the Japanese attacked in 1941,there was no action that could present that the public would let the nation join the world conflict.
Roosevelt’s attitude of entering WW2
Roosevelt was one of those American politicians who were worried of the spreading Fascism in the middle of 1930s.In the October of 1937,he addressed the ‘Quarantine Speech’ aiming to contain aggressor nations.He proposed that warmongering states be treated as a public health menace and be ‘quarantined’.Meanwhile,he secretly stepped up a program to build long range submarines that could blockade Japan.However,due to the public pressure,he did said the US would not join a ‘stop-Hitler bloc’ under any circumstances where he made it quite clear in the event of German aggression against Czechoslovakia,the US would remain neutral.
When WW2 broke out in 1939,he threw away the Wilsonian neutrality stance and started to assist Britain and France.He introduced Neutrality Act of 1939 to deal with the expansion of the Third Reich which allowed some extend of military products exports to UK and France.And in 1940,the Lend-Lease was introduced.Roosevelt said that the US became the great ‘arsenal of democracy’.One year later,the US joined the WW2.
The Congress of US
After WW1,the isolationism had a large impact in the Congress of US.In the complicated situation of the 1930s,many politicians in the Congress believed in isolationism mainly due to the heavy lost of US military in WW1 and the suspicions of spreading communism from the USSR.
In 1935,the Congress introduced the Neutrality Act of 1935 to forbid US citizens to make exports of arsenals to the belligerents.In the next two years,two add-on acts were introduced to make the neutrality stance with less legal loopholes.The Republican senator,Arthur H.Vandenberg even supported the laws of forbidding US citizens traveling with belligerents’ ships.
Before Japanese sudden stroke of Pearl Harbor,the isolationism was the major opinion of the Congress.
The US public opinion
It was hard to show a neutral and accurate introduction of how the US public views about joining the war.The heavy lost in WW1 made people have some certain fear of joining a ‘European Conflict’.However,the fall of Paris did make many Americans witness the spread of autocracy.They started to support the so-called ‘Arsenal of Democracy’.
Before the Japanese attacked in 1941,there was no action that could present that the public would let the nation join the world conflict.
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