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假如你是李军,你打算和父母去北京旅游,Red Star 旅行社为你们提供全程服务,请你根据以下提示给Red Star旅行社主管Mr Zang 写一封电子邮件,咨询以下;提示;【①旅行车上的游客数量】【②宾馆是否有带大窗户的三人间】【③宾馆附近是否有游泳池】④【饭菜是否可口,种类多样】
Dear Mr.Zang,This is Li Jun.I got a plan which is travel to BeiJing with my parents.I'm going to be in your travel agency-Red Star.I have some questions for you.How many tourist in one travel bus?Is there a triple room with big windows?Is there a swimming pool nearby the hotel?Is the food delicious and many kinds of?Could you send me back and answer these question?Thank you.Sincerely,Li Jun.
Mr.zhang:Hello.My parents and I will go to Beijing tourism.How much is the number of consult Red Star travel agency travel tourists on board?The hotel have three rooms with big windows?Whether luxury?Is there a swimming pool near the hotel?My parents and I are going to swim.What food?If Coca?There is no real shrimp I loveIf you can provide the answers to the questions above,Li Jun
【【第一个当范文比较好,还是第二个?重点是有没有语法错误,20 注意如果更好的有个别错误麻烦修改一下,
Dear Mr.Zang,
This is Li Jun. I plan to travel to BeiJing with my parents. We are going to enjoy the service of your Red Star travel agency. I have some concerns,please help me. How many tourists in one travel bus? Is there a three-bed room with a big window? Is there a swimming pool close to the hotel? Is the food delicious and many kinds of? Could you reply me and answer these question? Thank you.
Li Jun.
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