早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.cinema 2.airport 3.theatre 4.station 5.hospital 6.library 7.school 8.zoo 9.supermarket
1.You can go there to read.
2.You can go to a far(远的)place by plane there.
3.You can watch plays there.
4.You can buy food and clothes(衣服)there.
5.You can go there to learn.
6.You can go there when you are ill.
7.You can see animals(动物)there.
8.You can see films(电影)there.
9.You can wait there for a train.
1.cinema 2.airport 3.theatre 4.station 5.hospital 6.library 7.school 8.zoo 9.supermarket
1.You can go there to read.
2.You can go to a far(远的)place by plane there.
3.You can watch plays there.
4.You can buy food and clothes(衣服)there.
5.You can go there to learn.
6.You can go there when you are ill.
7.You can see animals(动物)there.
8.You can see films(电影)there.
9.You can wait there for a train.
1.You can go there to read.----6.library 图书馆2.You can go to a far(远的)place by plane there.---- 2.airport飞机场 3.You can watch plays there.-----3.theatre歌剧院 4.You can buy food and clothes(衣服...
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