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根据提示,写一篇80字左右的短文,内容完整,意思清晰,语法正确 ,字迹工整.
1、spit on the street(随地吐痰)
2、step on the grass
3.drop litter
4.take photos
5.angry,tell sb not to do,politely
6.protect the environment(保护环境)
One day,when I went to the park with my friends,we saw some people were destroying the environment.They simply spit on the street and stepped on the grass.Some even dropped litters after they finished their camp.Moreover,we saw some photographers were taking photos loudly and caused disturbance.We felt very angry and bravely approached the people who were destroying the environment.We told them politely not to destroy but to protect our environment because earth was our home,we should take good care of it.字数:89

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