早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Influence resulted by the lingual context from a choice of the meaning of a word and its translation
A language is used for people to intercommunicate in a certain context. Separated from a concrete context, the meaning of a word would be unlimited; therefore, a primary problem to meet is to choose words and expressions In the process oftranslation. The choice of the meaning of a ward is affected by the context where it appears, namely, by the lingual context. Sometimes, because of the contextual restriction, it is hard for us to determine the real meaning. So we must have the aid of a wider context to choose its acceptation so as to serve translation better.
A language is used for people to intercommunicate in a certain context. Separated from a concrete context, the meaning of a word would be unlimited; therefore, a primary problem to meet is to choose words and expressions In the process oftranslation. The choice of the meaning of a ward is affected by the context where it appears, namely, by the lingual context. Sometimes, because of the contextual restriction, it is hard for us to determine the real meaning. So we must have the aid of a wider context to choose its acceptation so as to serve translation better.
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