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注 意
Buyers and sellers,after consultation,in line with the voluntary and the principle of equality and mutual benefit,both parties must abide by the contract
1、The buyer should pay 30% of the payment to the seller as a deposit.
2,the seller shall deliver the goods on time,if you can not deliver the goods on time,both sides after the seller shall communicate in Within 15 days over the goods to the buyer.
当天将余款付清后卖方将货物转交到买方手中.如买方暂时不能 能提供场地给卖方送货,卖方在10天内免费代买方保管货物,如买方未能在10天内将货物从卖方的场地转移,买方需要支付场地租用费给卖方.
3、 The buyer's acceptance in the type,type,design,color and quantity and quality after qualified
On the day the seller will pay the balance after the goods to the buyer to hand.If the buyer can't can provide for the seller,the seller to deliver in 10 days and the buyer free goods such as the buyer fails to within 10 days from the seller's premises goods transfer,the buyer should pay for the rental to the seller.
4,this order was signed,of any breach of the liquidated damages shall be liable for all,1000 RMB.If the liquidated damages to the other party is not sufficient to cover the loss,the defaulting party shall compensate for the other party for all the losses resulting from the (including direct losses,profit and loss of claiming rights expenses,etc).
5,the buyer is responsible for the transport costs in the city of guangzhou,beyond the scope of guangzhou city transportation fees shall be borne by the seller.
Buyers and sellers of this order terms have been fully reading,fully understand the true meaning of each term,willing to sign and said all the orders to comply with the agreement.
This order by both stamp or signed by authorized representatives.
买方(buyer)签字:\x05 卖方(seller)签字:
年\x05月 日\x05 年\x05 月 日