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某英语报就一副漫画举行一次征文活动。apples and newton2 漫画的类容是 一个小男孩站在树下读书,其父亲站在树上把苹果网他身上摔。其母递苹果给其父亲。下面是我写的 ,请大家帮我修改一下我的语法错误。this a cartoon picture.from the picture.a little child was reading under the apple tree.his father in the tree and threw some apples to child's head .his mother helps his farther. as known .apple from tree is a wonderful story.newton is a great scientist in the world.nowdays.some partens hope their child will become a scientist or a successful buinessman .so.they take some mesures in order to their child will a successful life .but sometimes they don't care about their child's hobby.do you think it ?if you don't think it .you can see the picture .please .
life is just like a newly-fallen snow,where you choose to walk .evry step will show.i hope parens would be care about their child hert.don't do it like the picuture!大家见笑了 我写得很差,我英语成绩不好。
look at this cartoon picture,in which there is a little child reading under an apple tree.but his father in the tree threw some apples to child's head and the mother helps him. it is well known tha...

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下列文学常识表述错误的一项是A.与《诗经》用写实精神来广泛地反映古代的社会生活相比较,《离骚》书写  2020-05-16 …

这幅漫画的讽刺意义是?急这幅漫画是这样的 一个人摸着头,在一本立着的书旁边转圈,书上写着:知识嘴里  2020-05-17 …

12.(2015·宁夏银川模拟)下面是一个同学写的“荔枝文化节”的一篇征文中的一个片段。满山的荔枝  2020-05-17 …

清风诗苑对联:漫漫征程,但将街景添肠胃一兮清风出句:漫漫征程,但将街景添肠胃一兮清风  2020-05-20 …