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Opportunities are only for the prepared mind
There is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of opportunity.Some people think that opportunities are rare and only the luckiest persons can obtain them,while some other argue that in a sense everyone has opportunity from time to time .
As far as I was concerned,I argued with the latter to some extent.I think that various kinds of opportunities are around us all the time .However,the opportunity will not run into us voluntarily.We must try our best to find them and make full use of them.
I can think of no better illustration of the view than my own experience.When I was studying in high school ,there was a national writing competion .Most of my classmates thought that they had virtually no chance of wining the competition since they were studying in a rural school.But I felt that was a good chance and I must grasp it.So I get good ready for it and finally I won the second prize.This experience lead me to conclude that "Opportunities are only for the prepared mind."
This writing is especially for you ,I hope that you can get something from it and to be a prepared mind ,from now on!

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