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是讲一个人,他的奶奶是以前是个历史老师,喜欢在图书馆借书看,因为年纪大了经常把书给弄丢了,为此图书管理员想了个好方法,叫老太太把一张书签夹进书中,在书签上写:If you find this book,please return it to the school libary,there you can get a nice present from the libarian,thank you!
My grandma is already eighty years old. She used to be a history teacher. Her hobby is to read. She likes reading on many different subjects. She often borrows books from the school library. She has also bought a lot of books. She often says, “I love books. Books are my best friends. They give me knowledge and make me happy.”
Grandma likes to borrow books from the library and reads outside in the schoolyard. Sometimes she reads a few lines, puts down the book, walks a few steps and thinks for a while and then walks away with the book. But last week Grandma forgot to take the book when she left for home. She was worried and asked her friends, “Have you seen a history book? I think I've lost it.”
The next day she went to the librarian and said to her, “I’m very sorry. I borrowed a history book from the library last week. But I can’t find it. I think I’ve lost it.”
“Don’t worry. You’ll find it,” said the librarian.
Several days later Grandma came to the library to borrow some more books. The librarian asked her, “Have you found the book?” “Not yet. I’ve looked for it everywhere, but I still can’t find it.”
“Don’t worry. Someone will probably find it and return it sooner or later.” A few days later, the book was still missing. What was worse, Grandma lost more books. She was worried and so was the librarian. “I’m afraid I’ll have to pay for the lost books,” said Grandma sadly.
One day the librarian came up with an idea. She asked Grandma to put a bookmark in each of the borrowed books with the words: “If you find this book, please return it to the school library. ...” Grandma thought it was a wonderful idea. Now her lost books are usually returned
to the library.

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