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今天我看到有人堆起了像小山一样那么多的塑料制品用火点燃.不一会儿,火就大了起来还冒着黑烟,上面的天空都被熏“黑”了,刺鼻的烟味随风飘扬,很远以外就可以闻到.有许多人围在火堆旁笑还有人在往火堆里添塑料.显然,他们没有意识到烧塑料的危害性.他们哪里知道,大气污染对儿童的身体危害极其巨大,污染区的儿童不仅发育缓慢而且反应迟钝,还会智力下降 、患病率极高.大气污染还会给农业 、畜牧业 、建筑 、珍贵的文物造成巨大的影响.你看,天空已经不在像以前那样湛蓝.由于大气污染使臭氧层的空洞日益扩大,各种宇宙射线时刻危害着我们的身体健康.
"Environmental protection is everybody's business",it is often said sentence.But in real life,it has overlooked the importance of protecting the environment.This can be a trivial matter to our lives causing serious harm.Today,I see people backing of the same hill like so many plastic products with the fire ignited.Soon,the fire had a big braved the smoke and the skies above are smoked "black" and burned the restroom with the wind,and on the far outside to be heard.Many people around the fire were still smiling next to light a fire in plastic Tim Lane.Apparently,they are not aware of the dangers of burning plastic.They know where atmospheric pollution on children's physical hazards are enormous.contaminated areas and development of children is not only slow and unresponsive,but also mental decline,high prevalence rate.Air pollution will be to agriculture