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While being laid off and entering into retirement are far from the same they both often leave one half of a couple with extra time on their hands and plenty of pent?up (被压制的) energy that their significant other coming home after a long day at work can't handle.WSJ.com recently wrote an article that shared a few words of wisdom on how to deal with this situation. Here are their tips:

Be nice to each other and have a positive attitude. Hard as it may be try not to be discouraged during the job search and make sure to support your spouse (配偶). If one of you says something negative the other should try to come back with something positive. And don't forget compliments can go a long way.

In order to kill the boredom before it begins encourage your partner to stay as busy as possible. Stay healthy and join a sports team or learn how to cook (this benefits your spouse as well). Another option is taking up a side job serving food or working as a sales associate. This will allow your sweetie to interact with other people as well as earn some money. But of course new hobbies shouldn't take up the time needed to continue the job hunt.

As WSJ.com points out those who recently lost their jobs are sometimes embarrassed and therefore shut out family and friends. They might rely on their partners for support. Tell your wife or husband to talk to their families and friends. They know and love them and can be a good support system (rather than a support group of one: you).

You may be happy to spend time with your significant other but need a little alone time after working all day. To the recently laid?off: let your partner settle down drink a beer and watch a little television before you bombard (发出连珠炮似的问题) him with your idea to go skydiving or white water rafting. You may have an endless amount of pent up energy but they probably need some space to relax.


(76)________ for How to Live with the Unemployed


Specific Information

Be nice to each other and have a positive attitude.

?While hunting the job never lose heart (77)________ hard it may be.

?Keep (78)________ your husband or wife.

Encourage your partner to take up a (79)________, get a side job or join a club.

?Advise your partner to join a sports team or learn how to cook which also to does (80)________ to your spouse.

?Take up side jobs (81)________ your spouse not only to earn some money but also to interact with other people.



Help to found an effective support (82)________.


Tell your wife or husband to (83)________ with his / her families and friends besides you to win good support.

Give each other a little space before and after “couple time”.


?You shouldn't always disturb your partner with your own (84)________.

?Recently (85)________, your spouse may need some space to relax.


76.Tips / Suggestions 77.however 78.supporting / encouraging 79.hobby 80.good 81.allowing 82.system / group 83.communicate / interact / talk / chat 84.ideas 85.unemployed