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根据下文用英语写出你是否同意他的观点,并简要说明为什么同意 或 不同意
98.The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of the Megamart department store chain.
“For the third year in a row,the average household income in our country has risen significantly.That prosperity means that families are likely to be spending more time and money on leisure activities.Megamart stores should therefore concentrate on enlarging and promoting its line of products typically used in leisure activities:athletic and outdoor equipment,televisions,gourmet cooking equipment,and luggage and travel accessories.”
Nowsdays,if people earn more, they will have less worry about the expense of food and accommodation. They then start to spend more money on their leisure time to enjoy their lives. So, the improvement of leisure acitivities is necessary. It doesn't only stimulate the increase of the third industry, but also help people make their quality of lives better.

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