早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


用be careful about ,be certain about,be anxious about,be sure about,be worried about,be sorry about,be surprised at,be good at,be expert at,be angry at,be clever at,be experienced at,be famous for,be ready for,be sorry for,be good for,be harmful for,be well known for,be bad for,be fit/unfit for,get ready for,be interestd in,be poor in,be strict in,be expert in,be different in,be experienced in,be rich/high in,be afraid of,be fond of,be tired of,be careful of,be short of,be certain of,be pround of,be full of,be sure of,be familiar of,be good to,be nice to,be polite to,be useful to,be kind to,be rude to,be bad to,be familiar to,be angry with,be busy with,be pleased with,be patient with,be content with,be satisfied iwith,behappy with,be strict with,
You must be careful about driving.Nothing is certain about future.I am anxious about her health.She is sure about it.Don't be worried about me.The shop is sorry about the delayed delivery.We are surprised at the news.He is good at swimming.She is expert at painting.I am angry at their joke.The boy is clever at math.She is experienced at teaching.China is famous for the Great Wall.We are ready for the picnic.I am sorry for being late.Walking is good for health.Smoking is harmful for health.Hangzhou is well known for the West Lake.Smoking is bad for health.He is unfit for the job.You must get ready for the test.I am interested in this book.He is poor in health.He is strict in everything.He is an expert in engineering.They are different in color.She is experiened in driving.China is rich in coal resource.The baby is afraid of dogs.She is fond of swimming.I am tired of my job.Be careful of fire.Her parents are proud of her.The bottle is full of water.Be sure of yourself.
familiar 似乎不用of.He is familiar with English.Your face is familiar to me.My teacher is good to everyone.Be nice to your friend.She is polite to the old man.It is useful to me.He is kind to the patient.He is rude to the customers.He is bad to everyone.后面的注意:certain只能用物做主语.其他都是人的心理,用人做主语.一般be ...with后面加人;be ...at就加事物.如:he is angry with me.She is angry at his rudeness.但是:busy,content满足的,happy 可跟事物:he is busy with his work.I am content/happy with my life.