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施里芬计划为什么失败?Why did the Schlieffen Plan fail?
Schlieffen Plan was German Field Marshall Alfredvon Schlieffen mistakenly predicted the mobilization of Russia. The key of Schlieffen Plan was fast, used the difference of time France and Russia mobilize and defeat these two countries.
The detail of Schlieffen Plan was conquer the political and economic center of France, Paris. In order to do that, Germany would have to detour by Belgium and attack France by West, the reason why Germany needed go through Belgium was to avoid the fortresses of France. Schlieffen predicted to take Paris by 39 days to 6 weeks, that is the prediction of Russia mobilize time.
The reason why Schlieffen Plan had failed was because the plan was made in 1905 and the war started in 1914. Russia already recovered from the Russo-Japanese War, and they mobilize much faster than Germany ever predicted, Russia mobilized less than 3 weeks. During this time Germany was not even defeated the main force of France, and they soon stucked in the "two fronts" conflict. When Germany could not finish the war in short term, then it actually proclaimed Germany's loss of First World War.
The detail of Schlieffen Plan was conquer the political and economic center of France, Paris. In order to do that, Germany would have to detour by Belgium and attack France by West, the reason why Germany needed go through Belgium was to avoid the fortresses of France. Schlieffen predicted to take Paris by 39 days to 6 weeks, that is the prediction of Russia mobilize time.
The reason why Schlieffen Plan had failed was because the plan was made in 1905 and the war started in 1914. Russia already recovered from the Russo-Japanese War, and they mobilize much faster than Germany ever predicted, Russia mobilized less than 3 weeks. During this time Germany was not even defeated the main force of France, and they soon stucked in the "two fronts" conflict. When Germany could not finish the war in short term, then it actually proclaimed Germany's loss of First World War.
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