早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The fact:Nancy also tell me that she is so weak about the technology things and it made her a lot of terrier when the technology machine like computer,service or printer.But this kind of things will not happen all the time.So,I should also do some other things.And at that moment,she need report her accounting excel to accounting office.So she tell me that let me focus on helping her make excel at the coming two weeks.That the reason I started to work at Nancy's office.
The fact:Nancy also tell me that she is so weak about the technology things and it made her a lot of terrier when the technology machine like computer,service or printer.But this kind of things will not happen all the time.So,I should also do some other things.And at that moment,she need report her accounting excel to accounting office.So she tell me that let me focus on helping her make excel at the coming two weeks.That the reason I started to work at Nancy's office.
The fact is as follows:
At that time, Nancy told me that she's not good at handling IT equipment, such as computer, server, printer, etc. In the event of a breakdown or malfunction, she would be at a loss. That's one of the reasons why I was hired. Also, she realized that I have hands-on skills with computer software, therefore, she expected my assistance in handling some of her paper work. As it was the Australian tax season, she considered my first tasks should be working with her on preparing the financial statements using Excel.
At that time, Nancy told me that she's not good at handling IT equipment, such as computer, server, printer, etc. In the event of a breakdown or malfunction, she would be at a loss. That's one of the reasons why I was hired. Also, she realized that I have hands-on skills with computer software, therefore, she expected my assistance in handling some of her paper work. As it was the Australian tax season, she considered my first tasks should be working with her on preparing the financial statements using Excel.
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