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陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作.他和美国同事Amy晚上要一起参加同事James的告别晚宴,由公司北京办事处主任戴维斯主持.(Office ambience)A:Chen Hao,you need to be prepared for a lot of toasting tonight.
C:Toasting?烤面包?A:No,I am talking about honoring someone at a meal or reception by raising a glass of wine,champagne or water and offering a few kind words about that person.
C:噢,你是说祝酒啊.西方人祝酒有什么规矩吗?A:There are two kinds of toasts.There is the informal toast that the host offers at the beginning of the meal to welcome his guests.
C:那是戴维斯的事吧.我们有什么要做的吗?A:Mr.Davis will stand,raise his glass and thank everyone for coming.He will take a sip of his wine.Then the guests,who remain seated,raise their glasses in response and take a sip.
C:就是说我们都不用站起来,只要举起杯,然后抿一口酒就行了.那另外一种呢?A:The other is more formal and comes near the end of the meal,usually during dessert.Champagne will be served.After each toast,everyone raises a glass and takes a sip of champagne.
C:是不是每个人都要说祝酒辞呢?A:Not necessarily,but you will be expected to toast James since you worked closely with him.
C:幸亏你事先告诉我.不过那我该说些什么呢?A:You could say how good James was to work with,tell a funny story about him,wish him success in his new position or use a favorite quote.
C:讲笑话是我的长项.不过我还是得赶紧去准备准备,一会餐厅见.******宴会结束后,陈豪和Amy一起搭出租车回家.A:Chen Hao,Your toast was excellent and you seemed completely at ease.You obviously practiced your remarks.
C:这可得谢谢你.还有啊,幸亏你特别提醒我每次只要抿一小口,我真没想到有这么多人祝酒,不然非喝醉了不可.A:It is acceptable etiquette to raise your water glass instead of the champagne flute.I usually just raise my glass to my lips so it appears that I am drinking when I am not.
C:怪不得,我还以为你酒量过人呢!不过Amy,我还有个问题.别人为他祝酒,James好像从来不举杯,也不喝.这样做会不会不礼貌?A:Not at all.That was correct etiquette.You never drink to yourself.Only to other people.
C:噢,所以被别人祝酒的人自己是不喝的.幸亏被祝酒的人不是我,否则我肯定会闹笑话.A:No you wouldn't.I would have warned you about that.

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