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做最好的自己 成就精彩人生
以下作文不能直接用,你自己选择一些用得着的.In order to become successful,you should first of all be both perseverant and hardworking.
In my opinion,be yourself is the most important part of everyone's life.In this way,we can be help ourself to know more things that about life and the world.Maybe be a person who others ordered can make you success,but it's others' way.You'll never be pound of it.
So,try to be yourself and you can get a better life.
As students ,we should love our study and love so that we can easily find happiness in them.
We have better houses to live in,because the house itself catch light and make it into energy for us to use.We use it to light when it is dark and to cook food instead of using gas.
We have energy-saving cars for sale in shops.It has quieter cleaner and bigger motor.So it bring good things to the environment and humans too.It become white when the sun is hot so that drivers don't have to looking for places to hide them.
We can drink rain that fall from the sky !But it need to be cleaned by special machine.So people live in the mountains can drink fresh water now ,even when there's no running water .
And a lot more forms of energy is being developing .For example ,crops can be made into wine ,and it starts cars.How fantastic is that!
In my opinion,success means achieving brilliant results in one’s work,that is,making outstanding contributions to the development of the country and bringing happiness to the people.So my conclusion is that even if one has made great progress in what he does,I don’t think there’s any reason for him to be conceited.
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