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I am very touched by Professor Randy Pausch's last lecture.Although being an international renowned academic,he did not used the opportunity to talk about technical subjects.He talked about how he fulfilled his childhood dreams from young.He gave an account of his life from childhood,until his university days and being an academic faculty member.He used the opportunity to mention and to thank those people who have helped him along the way.His lecture was filled with humor and fun,and nothing had shown that he was on the last leg of his journey on this earth.He encouraged the audience to believe in their dreams and work towards it.At the end,he said the lecture was not really for the audience,but for his children whom he was not able to live to see them growing up.I believe very few people left the auditorium with dry eyes.Even I watched it on Youtube,I was so touched by Professor Pausch's zeal for life,quest for knowledge and love for his family.I am deeply moved and encouraged by his lecture and I always remind myself that I should make good use of my time and to treat my family and all those around me nicely.May God Bless Professor Randy Pausch in peace and his family.
看了 求《兰迪·波许教授的最后一课...的网友还看了以下:

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