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It is satuarday morning, I invited my classmate Li Kai to buy dictionaries togather, because our teacher said we need a English-Chinese dictionary in the class.
We met at the park next to Li Kai's home at about 8'o clock. Li Kai lives in the center of the city, but the book store is at the north, so then we walked to the bus stop to take No. 22 bus. After 20 minites we got off the bus. We have to walk 300 meters along the street, it takes 5 minite to get down the road, there is a big book store across the street. We went trough the street and get in the book store. Then we find the cheapest but best English-Chinese dictionaries in our city! It is so sweet and We are really happy!
After paied the books, we went home togather.
It feels really good to do things by our own!

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