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1 to 3,which is short track speed skating women's 1,500-meter final in South Korea the number of personnel compared the two teams,in addition to the disparity in numbers,the U.S.players Rutter Zhou Yang was also touched a bit,though,19-year-old Zhou Yang won the championship still.
The game as Zhou Yang was a lone fighter,so she began to occupy a leading position,followed by South Korea's continued forward beyond,Zhou Yang's idea is very clear,that is,to seize the first.The United States,Rutter tightly bite Zhou Yang,South Korea at this time there are three players into the final use of the advantages of continuous interference tactics used.
The United States beyond the time during Rutter met Zhou Yang,affecting Chinese teenager's performance.However,this little episode did not affect the state of Zhou Yang,and she used excellent speed,after clawing back the first position,when the last lap has been a leading opponent nearly 5 meters,heroic spirit of the crossed the finish line,Zhou Yang Olympic record-breaking achievements of two minutes 16 seconds 993.Zhou Yang of China won the Olympic delegation of the third gold at the same time this is also the Chinese short-track team's second gold.And broke the monopoly of the Korean team for the project.
Beijing the morning of February 16,2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics figure skating free skating,China's combination of Shen Xue / Zhao Hongbo in order to perfect performance won the title with 216.57 points,which is China's first gold medal of the Torino Games.Shen Xue / Zhao Hongbo of China,the history of the Olympic Games gold medal is awarded to the first one Olympic gold medal slip flower,but also the second Asian player gold medals.Breaking the monopoly of the Russian players in the project.
Beijing the morning of February 18,2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics women's 500-meter short track final sky,with 43 seconds 048 Wang Meng won the achievements,and defending women's 500 meters Olympic champion,has also become a The first Winter Olympics gold medals reelected Chinese players.
After the game,Wang Meng,the Chinese side across the protective plate and the coaching staff moved to embrace 11.

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