早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.he likes playing______piano,but he doesn't like playing____trumpet
A.the,\ B.the,the C.\,the D.\,\
2.he is not a kind-hearted man.____people can get on well with him
A.Few B.A little C.Quite a few D.Little
3.the story happ ened the_____evening of August 2.
A.on B.in C.to D.at
4.must I finish my homework now?
a.no,you can't b.no, you must c.no,you needn't d.no,you mustn't
5.--hello.may I speak to tom? --_______.
a.yes,I am b.sorry,he's not here c.yes,speak d.hold on,please
6._____of us has read the story,so we know nothing about it.
A.some b.both c.none d.all
8.--dinner isn't ready yet.--how____will it be ready?
a.soon b.long c.much d.often
9._____nice work you have done!
a.what a b.how c.what d.how a
10.--I'm sorry.I don't know.--_______.
a.thank you all the same b.you're welcome
c.I'm sorry,too d.excuse me
11.the police______the forest______the escaped tiger.
a.looked,up b.helped,with c.found,out d.searched,for
12.It's an english story of few new words,_______?
a.hasn't it b.or c.but d.and
13.be careful,_______you will fall off the tree.
a.so b.or c.but d.and
14.the flight from beijing to new york______at 9:45 am. on fridays.
a.gets off b.takes off c.puts up d.gets up
15.you must remember________.
a.what your mother said b.what did your mother say
c.what has your mother said d.how your mother said
16.that was the good time____he had with his family and never could he forget.
a.when b.which c.who d.where
17._____is the broadcast in england, while_____that of americe.
a.cctv,spn b.bbc,abc c.bbc,voa d.spn,bca
18.he now has his most interest_____playing computer games.
a.at b.for c.on d.in
19.during_____,we usually go traveling because it's seven days off.
A.new year's day b.christmas c.may day d.summer holiday
20.--can you help me?--_______.
a.I'm afraid can't b.yes,please c.I'm afraid not
d.no,that's all right

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