早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Early in the morning, a dew drop on the leaf, the leaf asked: "who are you?"dew replied: "I fell from the sky fairy dew, I is to nourish all things. And who are you?" The leaves gave dew a hug a way: "you are welcome, the elves' love. A breeze, the leaves sway in the wind, the dew out Watch Your Step slide, slideto tip said: "goodbye, I got to go, I have to go to moisten the other plants"."Then you will come back? ' Leaf asked. "See you around". Dew said, from the tip to the grass sliding arms. Xiaocaohu awoke from the dim sleepy eyes,knead meat, yawn, suddenly felt a sweet only the tip of the tongue, spirits.Small grass know, is an old friend of the dew to see it coming. They are happy to chat, and joy. A gentle breeze and dew accidentally dropped to the ground.
The dew drop into the river or lake. Falls in a stream, with partners intofarmland, see saw hard-working farmer uncle, they are busy and fertilizer to the land. And from the farmland is squeezed out, rushed to the river.Finally into the sea, along the way, I met many friends. I also saw manymany.
I do not know how long before, and returned to his hometown in the dew, do not forget the original commitment, leaves to find.
Early in the morning, a dew drop on the leaf, the leaf asked: "who are you?"dew replied: "I fell from the sky fairy dew, I is to nourish all things. And who are you?" The leaves gave dew a hug a way: "you are welcome, the elves' love. A breeze, the leaves sway in the wind, the dew out Watch Your Step slide, slideto tip said: "goodbye, I got to go, I have to go to moisten the other plants"."Then you will come back? ' Leaf asked. "See you around". Dew said, from the tip to the grass sliding arms. Xiaocaohu awoke from the dim sleepy eyes,knead meat, yawn, suddenly felt a sweet only the tip of the tongue, spirits.Small grass know, is an old friend of the dew to see it coming. They are happy to chat, and joy. A gentle breeze and dew accidentally dropped to the ground.
The dew drop into the river or lake. Falls in a stream, with partners intofarmland, see saw hard-working farmer uncle, they are busy and fertilizer to the land. And from the farmland is squeezed out, rushed to the river.Finally into the sea, along the way, I met many friends. I also saw manymany.
I do not know how long before, and returned to his hometown in the dew, do not forget the original commitment, leaves to find.
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