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Though an incredible city in its own right,Montreal is both much more and less than this.When you visit here,you will be introduced to a whole new way of living life to the fullest.The locals here call it "joie de vivre" which literally translated means "joy of living" and that is what Montréal's people seem to be best at.More than anything else Montréal has a fantastic atmosphere,and possesses a vibrancy and excitement you won't find anywhere else.Culture seems to ooze out of the sidewalks.Montréal is a mélange of ethnic and national influences that have all contributed to what makes it such a special place.Enjoy watching life go by from an outdoor café,shop in an underground shopping mall,dine at a fine French restaurant and follow with a jazz club.
The seasons in Montréal are distinct the summers are nice and have a very beautiful view.Summer is usually quite hot and sunny; it can sometimes be unbearably humid.Fall is a little cooler but still very pleasant and has the added bonus of the beautiful autumn leaves,which are numerous in a city full of maple trees.
An international destination of choice,Montréal is easily accessed by land,water and air.Downtown is a mere 20 minutes from the airport,which handles some 200 flights daily.Visitors will find this compact island city great for walking,and can easily—and safely— explore its vibrant neighbourhoods on foot,at any time of the day or night.Montréal is also multicultural,boasting more than 80 ethnic communities,and enjoys an outstanding reputation worldwide for gourmet dining.
Public transit is not only affordable,it’s also a great way to get around the city.Quick,safe and clean,the metro connects downtown to major tourism attractions,as well as to numerous bus stops and train stations.In addition,cycling enthusiasts enjoy 350 kilometres of bicycle paths,many of which lead to major tourist areas.
The seasons in Montréal are distinct the summers are nice and have a very beautiful view.Summer is usually quite hot and sunny; it can sometimes be unbearably humid.Fall is a little cooler but still very pleasant and has the added bonus of the beautiful autumn leaves,which are numerous in a city full of maple trees.
An international destination of choice,Montréal is easily accessed by land,water and air.Downtown is a mere 20 minutes from the airport,which handles some 200 flights daily.Visitors will find this compact island city great for walking,and can easily—and safely— explore its vibrant neighbourhoods on foot,at any time of the day or night.Montréal is also multicultural,boasting more than 80 ethnic communities,and enjoys an outstanding reputation worldwide for gourmet dining.
Public transit is not only affordable,it’s also a great way to get around the city.Quick,safe and clean,the metro connects downtown to major tourism attractions,as well as to numerous bus stops and train stations.In addition,cycling enthusiasts enjoy 350 kilometres of bicycle paths,many of which lead to major tourist areas.
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