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Does it solve the problem?
is it feasible?
Do the benefits exceed costs of implementation?
Does the solution meet ethical standards
can the solution be implemented in time?
is the solution acceptable to those that implement it
can the solution be reversed if a mistake is made?
The solution I propose to work at another company for one year before going to MacDonald's.In this way,the employee can become familiar with the way that foreign companies operate,and have more experience in solving misunderstanding problems,getting along well with colleagues in the company,and as well as normal work experiences.
Assuming the person cannot communicate well with the collegues in MacDonalds,then this will solve the problem since it fills in the experience gap of this person's working experience.And when this person goes to MacDonalds,he would already have the experiences he needs.Basically,this person will spend one year to be unable to communicate in another company,then when he goes to MacDonald's,he wouldn't have the same problems.
It is certainly easy to achieve.This person just have to apply for another job first.While this person is working,he is getting paid.All he is losing is the time to work at MacDonald's,which is offsetted by this wages in this other company.Certainly,the benefits exceed the costs in this solution.
It is perfectly fine to gain experience from another workplace and use the experience at another.It is the same idea of people getting their undergraduate degree in one university and then go to another university for bachlors.And the person only need to take some time to find another suitable job and call the company for an interview.It won't take much time.
Whether if the person will accept this solution will have to depend on that person's affirmness to work at MacDonald's.If he really want to work at MacDonald's and only there,then he may want another quicker solution.But if he just want to be working in MacDonald's in the end,the person will certainly accept this solution.
He is totally free to leave the new company and search for another if necessary.All he want is to gain some experience before working at MacDonald's.It really does not make a difference of where he is working at.Except that he may not like this job and therefore wouldn't want to go to that job in the first place.Therefore,this solution is totally reversable and easy to start and finish whenever necessary.

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