早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


参考词汇:go toWest Hill,have a picnic,by bike,the foot of,sing,dance,climb,hear,happy

Last Saturday,I,together with my classmates,went to the West Hill by bike.On the way there,we saw a lot of beautiful scenery.We were very happy as if we had heard birds were singing.After an hour,we arrived at the foot of the West Hill.Therefore,we decided to climb it after a short break and eating some snacks.Though we were tired and exhausted with sweat on our heads,we finally got to the top.We all danced and singed happily.We were impressed by the wonderful scenery.We took some photos,which would leave a good memory on us.What an unforgettable experience!

Our class had a picnic last Saturday.We went to West Hill by bike.We had a short rest after we got to the foot of West Hill.First we had our picnic lunch.After lunch we sang and danced happily.Then we began to climb the hill.We saw many beautiful flowers.We heard the birds singing and got a lot of wild fruits.We had a wonderful time. 
         I felt very tired when I got home,but I was very happy.


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