早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
An unforgettable English teacher of mine
There are a lot of teachers have taught me since I go to school, and I can hardly remember some of them. I am always not the excellent one in my class, so I usually can't get much care from my teachers. But I think that some of them really good, devoted, and I get a lot from them.
So It's a little hard for me to choose a teacher that is most unforgettable for me. A voice striked to me when I was puzzled by this problem. It was professor Wujun Xu who eached my graduated paper. It taked a long time to finish my paper, and I thougt that I have done very well. So I submit it to him. But to my surprise, he said that there are a lot to corret. I had no choice, went to his office. listened to him.
There are a lot of teachers have taught me since I go to school, and I can hardly remember some of them. I am always not the excellent one in my class, so I usually can't get much care from my teachers. But I think that some of them really good, devoted, and I get a lot from them.
So It's a little hard for me to choose a teacher that is most unforgettable for me. A voice striked to me when I was puzzled by this problem. It was professor Wujun Xu who eached my graduated paper. It taked a long time to finish my paper, and I thougt that I have done very well. So I submit it to him. But to my surprise, he said that there are a lot to corret. I had no choice, went to his office. listened to him.
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