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1.政府提高烟草的价格是为了阻止人们的购买.(in order to)
3.我没有听从医生的建议,很快对这种药物上瘾了.(be addicted to)
4.他不习惯在大庭广众下演讲,因为这太使人尴尬了.(be used to)
5.There has been so much to do in connection with this American tour that I have neglected your letter .
6.当听到那令人吃惊的消息时,那位妇女疯了.(go mad)
7.这个班分成几个小组来上英语课.(split into)
8.我来的时候,她已经走了.(by the time)
9.真奇怪,他这次考试没有及格.(It is+adj.that)
10.Ye Xiaogang,whowas born in 1955,is one of a group of Chinese composers known as the New Tide.
1. The goverment increases tobacco's price in order to stop people buying it.
2. Do you believe smoking has connection with heart disease?
3. I did not follow the doctor's advise, soon I am addicted to this kind of drug.
4. He does not used to speak in front of crowds, because this makes him feel too embarrass.
5. 我在给你的信中没有提及美国旅游业,其实,美国旅游业有许许多多事情要做.
6.The lady went mad when she heard the surprising news.
7.This class splits into several teams to have their English lessons.
8. She was gone by the time I came in.
9. It is surprising that he did not fail in this test.
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