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近几年有许多外国人来我市参观.假设你是导游,请根据以下内容,向外宾介绍我市的情况.1河源市位于广东的东北部,人口约324万.2有悠久的历史,有许多名胜古迹,如苏家围、万绿湖等.万绿湖是一个很美丽的地方,湖水清澈;湖中有各种各样的鱼,你可以到那里划船、钓鱼、野餐、是度假的好去处.3 可以去参观河源博物馆,在那里你可以看到许多恐龙蛋化石.…包括内容,2名胜古迹 3建议 …写作要求,使用5个句子表达全部内容
“ Heyuan city is located in the northeast of the GuangDong,the population is about 3.24 million.It has a long history,there are many places of interest,such as SuJiawei,Green lake,and so on.The Green Lake is a very beautiful place,the lake is very clear.There are a variety of fishes.You can go boating,fishing,and having picnics which is a good place for a vacation.You can visit the Heyuan Museum,where you can see many dinosaur egg fossils.You can know about its geographical position and the scenic spots and historical sites ,so we suggest we should go there to visit the interst of places.”