(二) (中考•鄂州)
W:Excuse me I want to go to the National Palace Museum. 1. ?
M:You can get there by bus. I think it will come soon.
W: Thank you. It's very nice of you to tell me. It's my first time here.
M:So how do you like it so far?
W: I like it very much. It's a big city with lots of modem buildings. By the way 2. ?
M:Yes I am. Fm a junior high school student. Why do you want to go to the National Palace Museum?
W:Fm going to visit my son and he lives near there.
M:Oh your bus is coming.
M: YouVe welcome. Bye!
(二) 1. How can I get there
2. are you a student
3. Thank you/Thanks for your help
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