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王军霞 1973 1 19 吉林省的一个村庄 1.62M 1988入大连进行长跑训练 1994年 在日本举行的亚运会上 得到金牌 1996 在美国举行的奥运会 得到一枚金 一枚银 成为中国第一位奥运会长跑金牌运动员
王军霞 1973 1 19 吉林省的一个村庄 1.62M 1988入大连进行长跑训练 1994年 在日本举行的亚运会上 得到金牌 1996 在美国举行的奥运会 得到一枚金 一枚银 成为中国第一位奥运会长跑金牌运动员
wangjunxia was born in Jay 19th 1973 and in a village lies in Jilin.i am writing this note in attempt to bring a few current situations to your attention. a neighbour of mine experienced food poisoning from the consummation of food from the market. the doctor's report displayed a serious amount of various chemicals that definitely shouldn't be there at all.
i was the witness to the emergency and the nearing people was able to rescue the man from the boarder of life and death.
the safety of food in market has dropped heavily in the past few years in terms of its safeness of consummation. i feel the strong need to wake the public of the issues over food safety and reject any unauthorized dealers. the consequences of not taking this into consideration may result in serious repercussions such as the poisoning my neighbour experienced.
please take this note into account and consider my proposals. He is so great that i ispire him 欢迎采纳哦 全手打
i was the witness to the emergency and the nearing people was able to rescue the man from the boarder of life and death.
the safety of food in market has dropped heavily in the past few years in terms of its safeness of consummation. i feel the strong need to wake the public of the issues over food safety and reject any unauthorized dealers. the consequences of not taking this into consideration may result in serious repercussions such as the poisoning my neighbour experienced.
please take this note into account and consider my proposals. He is so great that i ispire him 欢迎采纳哦 全手打
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