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(07常州)1._____ useful dictionary for beginners of English!Where did you get it?
A.Such B.What an C.What aD.How a
(07南京)-- ______ kind girl Nancy is!--Yes.she is always ready to help others.
A.What B.What a C.How D.How a
(07南通)3.--_______day it is!-- Let's go out and have a picnic!
A.How cold B.How nice C.What a cloudy D.What a lovely
(07淮安)4._________amazing!A 94-year-old woman from Changshu saved a 4-year-old boy.
A.How B.What C.What a
(07无锡)5.--- It is reported that an earthquake hit Yunnan on June 3rd.--- ____ terrible news!
A.How a B.What a C.How D.What
(07徐州)6._________information it is|
A.How a useful B.How useful C.What a useful D.What useful
(06泰州)7.——An earthquake hit Indonesia(印尼) yesterday.—— terrible news!
A.How a B.What a C.How D.What
(06南通)8.— _____ you have bought me!— I got them at the market.
A.What a big fish B.How a big fish C.What big fish D.How big fish
(06连云港)9.exciting news!We will have long holiday after the exam.
A.What an,a B.What,a C.How an,the D.How; the