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我急需一篇赞美我的家乡 苏州的英文作文,字数不用太多,只要100左右就够了!
Suzhou Canglang Ting is the longest history and cultural connotation of the deepest, and is the only "Pavilion" named after the garden.
Qingli five years the Northern Song Dynasty (1045), Sushunqinmeng reprisal was banished, Liu Yu to Suzhou, the Five Dynasties Suncheng You see Fei Yuan is the money to buy 40,000. Su Shun-qin, was banished after the Canglang Weng, singing, "Canglangzhishui-Xi, I can Zhuo Ying; Canglangzhishui muddy Xi, I can muddy foot," Yu Fu Song, in the cities have played a recluse Landscape, since Happy music life.
Canglang Ting and the other with water as the center of the garden is different, most of the Suzhou gardens built walls, in order to glimpse beauty, must wear the door Yueqiang can appreciate; Canglang Ting is not found within the United States. The whole garden surrounded by water, no foresight into the garden landscape, the Yi Wan clean around the city of Yong forests of the United States alone. There is no design too busy park, 16 acres of ancient Qingyou area, in essence to "borrow". Langbi through the Louchuang, can be slightly outside the park scenery. None of these Louchuang identical, one must be called Canglang Ting.
Gutingdanfang "Canglang Ting" words for the book by Yu Yue, Ting Zhu is the "Qingfengdian this priceless moon, both Yuan-Shan near the water situation." Canglang Ting is perhaps the best portrayal of strike.

阅读下面材料,回答问题。早在2003年语言学专家、苏州大学文学院教授、博士生导师汪平运用社会语言学  2020-05-13 …

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