早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
影响:1,行人车辆难行,学生出入校门危险 2,很多塑料袋废水使街道脏乱
希望:1,学校有一个干净安静的环境 2,采取一些措施
影响:1,行人车辆难行,学生出入校门危险 2,很多塑料袋废水使街道脏乱
希望:1,学校有一个干净安静的环境 2,采取一些措施
Hello, Mister ! I am a student in No .1 middle school in Yanchen. There is a street at the gate of our school. There are shops and restaurants on either side of the street. When people are going back home, some stalls have been set up there . This has caused many problems. First this has made it difficult for people or cars to go through. What' s worse, it is very dangerous for students. Second many plastic bags are thrown around ,which has caused this street dirty and messy. So we should take immediate measures to prevent this from happening because school should be a quiet and clean place. I would appreciate it if you could consider these problems and try to solve them. I am looking forward to a quick reply.
Dear city management
I am LiMing,studying at NO.1 middle school in Yan city.A street is at the school gate with stores and restaurants on either hand.Everytime people start and get off work,they always set up a stall on the street.
On the one hand,it might cause traffic jam and more dangerous for students to go and leave school.On the other hand,the street is dirty and messy caused by many plastic bag and waste water.
I wish a clean and quiet environment at school and i hope you will take some measures.
Hello, Mister ! I am a student in No .1 middle school in Yanchen. There is a street at the gate of our school. There are shops and restaurants on either side of the street. When people are going back home, some stalls have been set up there . This has caused many problems. First this has made it difficult for people or cars to go through. What' s worse, it is very dangerous for students. Second many plastic bags are thrown around ,which has caused this street dirty and messy. So we should take immediate measures to prevent this from happening because school should be a quiet and clean place. I would appreciate it if you could consider these problems and try to solve them. I am looking forward to a quick reply.
Dear city management
I am LiMing,studying at NO.1 middle school in Yan city.A street is at the school gate with stores and restaurants on either hand.Everytime people start and get off work,they always set up a stall on the street.
On the one hand,it might cause traffic jam and more dangerous for students to go and leave school.On the other hand,the street is dirty and messy caused by many plastic bag and waste water.
I wish a clean and quiet environment at school and i hope you will take some measures.
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