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Over 2 000 years the examination of the pulse has been a mysterious skill in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Although many westerners may have known something about methods like inspecting listening and enquiring pulse reading as a tool to determine physical condition is not common knowledge. It is therefore worth our effort to take a closer look at it.

There are three positions on each wrist which are used for analysis: the front middle and back part and analyzed at three different levels: superficial middle and deep.

On the left wrist the front position focuses on the condition of the heart and small intestine (小肠) the middle position concentrates on the functions of the liver and gall bladder and the back position is connected with the kidney. The lungs and large intestine are the centre of attention in the front position on the right wrist with the middle position focusing on the spleen and stomach and the back taking note of the “Gate of Vitality Fire’. This is the heat provider for all bodily functions.

In regards to the various levels the superficial level reflects the state of energy the middle level shows the state of blood flow and the deep level is an indication of the state of the Yin organs. Suppose that the pulse in the left middle position was soft and smooth neither superficial nor deep it would suggest that the liver and gall bladder are in a good state of health.

Checking the pulse is actually far more complex. Doctors need to be able to recognize 26 different pulse categories. For example a scattered pulse which is irregular and hardly noticeable is a sign that a patient is critically ill and nearing death. Other categories include the rapid pulse probably a sign of a fever; or the tense pulse which may suggest that the patient is suffering from pain. Many pulses only have subtle differences; thus pulse examination is often seen as being more than just a skill but an actual art form.

This kind of medical diagnosis can be affected by many factors so before any examination it is important that patients are in a relaxed physical and mental state so they can get the most accurate reading. The morning is often the best time to take such a reading as a busy day in the office or vigorous exercise before seeing the doctor can influence the quality of the pulse. The right amount of pressure must be applied by the doctor for the right duration of time. Patients’ characteristics are also of importance. Children for instance have quick pulses and athletes have slower than usual ones. Even seasonal influences need to be taken into account.

59. Which of the following is the most suitable title for this passage?

A. Chinese Pulse Checking

B. Difficulties in Pulse Checking

C. What Makes a Good Doctor

D. Brief Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine

60. Which factor is NOT mentioned as possibly influencing the accuracy of a pulse reading?

A. Amount of force used.                           B. Time of day.

C. Climate.                                             D. Body height.

61. From the passage we can infer that the writer believes __________.

A. Chinese medicine is too difficult to learn

B. pulse reading requires a long-time study and practice

C. doctors need to be familiar with Chinese history

D. pulse examination is unimportant and no longer necessary

答案  59.A  60.D  61.B

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