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请问williams robbie唱的BETTERMAN中文歌词 (一句一译)
请问williams robbie唱的BETTERMAN中文歌词 (一句一译)
Better man-Robbie Williams 好男人(罗比·威廉姆斯)
Send someone 2 love me.送一个人来爱我.
I need 2 rest in arms.我需要在其怀抱中入睡.
Keep me safe from harm.让我有安全感,远离伤害.
In pouring rain.远离倾盆大雨(大声哭泣).
Give me endless summer.给我无尽的夏季.
Lord I fear the cold.上帝我害怕寒冷.
Feel I'm getting old.感觉自己在变得苍老.
Before my time.未老先衰.
As my soul heals the shame.当我的灵魂治愈羞愧.
I will grow through this pain.我会在这个伤痛中成长.
Lord I'm doing all I can.上帝我所能做到的-
To be a better man.就是做个好男人.
Go easy on my conscience.我的心很平静.
'Cause it's not my fault.因为这不是我的错.
I know I've been taught.我知道我受到了教训.
To take the blame.也受到了责备.
Rest assured my angels.我的天使无疑-
Will catch my tears.将带走我的泪水.
Walk me out of here.把我带出这里.
I'm in pain.让我远离伤痛.
As my soul heals the shame.当我的灵魂治愈羞愧.
I will grow through this pain.我会在这个伤痛中成长.
Lord I'm doing all I can.上帝我所能做到的-
To be a better man.就是做个好男人.
Once U've found that lover.一旦你发现你的爱人.
U're homeward bound.你就会回头.
Love is all around.爱就在你周围.
Love is all around.爱就在你周围.
I know some have fallen on stony ground.我知道有些东西已经消失在无情的土地上.
But Love is all around.但爱就在你周围.
Send someone 2 love me.送一个人来爱我.
I need 2 rest in arms.我需要在其怀抱中入睡.
Keep me safe from harm.让我有安全感,远离伤害.
In pouring rain.远离倾盆大雨(大声哭泣).
Give me endless summer.给我无尽的夏季.
Lord I fear the cold.上帝我害怕寒冷.
Feel I'm getting old.感觉自己在变得苍老.
Before my time.未老先衰.
As my soul heals the shame.当我的灵魂治愈羞愧.
I will grow through this pain.我会在这个伤痛中成长.
Lord I'm doing all I can.上帝我所能做到的-
To be a better man.就是做个好男人.
Send someone 2 love me.送一个人来爱我.
I need 2 rest in arms.我需要在其怀抱中入睡.
Keep me safe from harm.让我有安全感,远离伤害.
In pouring rain.远离倾盆大雨(大声哭泣).
Give me endless summer.给我无尽的夏季.
Lord I fear the cold.上帝我害怕寒冷.
Feel I'm getting old.感觉自己在变得苍老.
Before my time.未老先衰.
As my soul heals the shame.当我的灵魂治愈羞愧.
I will grow through this pain.我会在这个伤痛中成长.
Lord I'm doing all I can.上帝我所能做到的-
To be a better man.就是做个好男人.
Go easy on my conscience.我的心很平静.
'Cause it's not my fault.因为这不是我的错.
I know I've been taught.我知道我受到了教训.
To take the blame.也受到了责备.
Rest assured my angels.我的天使无疑-
Will catch my tears.将带走我的泪水.
Walk me out of here.把我带出这里.
I'm in pain.让我远离伤痛.
As my soul heals the shame.当我的灵魂治愈羞愧.
I will grow through this pain.我会在这个伤痛中成长.
Lord I'm doing all I can.上帝我所能做到的-
To be a better man.就是做个好男人.
Once U've found that lover.一旦你发现你的爱人.
U're homeward bound.你就会回头.
Love is all around.爱就在你周围.
Love is all around.爱就在你周围.
I know some have fallen on stony ground.我知道有些东西已经消失在无情的土地上.
But Love is all around.但爱就在你周围.
Send someone 2 love me.送一个人来爱我.
I need 2 rest in arms.我需要在其怀抱中入睡.
Keep me safe from harm.让我有安全感,远离伤害.
In pouring rain.远离倾盆大雨(大声哭泣).
Give me endless summer.给我无尽的夏季.
Lord I fear the cold.上帝我害怕寒冷.
Feel I'm getting old.感觉自己在变得苍老.
Before my time.未老先衰.
As my soul heals the shame.当我的灵魂治愈羞愧.
I will grow through this pain.我会在这个伤痛中成长.
Lord I'm doing all I can.上帝我所能做到的-
To be a better man.就是做个好男人.
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