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Test 8
M:Hello,my name’s David Parker .I'm calling about the apartment advertised in the paper.Can you tell me something about it?
W:Yes,it’s a one-bedroom apartment,with a living room,a kitchen,a bathroom and a balcony.
M:Where is it located?
W:It's on Montreal Road.
M:Is it furnished?
W:Yes,it is furnished with sofas,a dining table,chairs and some ap¬pliances.
M:How much is the rent?
W:It’s five hundred dollars per month,including utilities.
M:You mean gas,electricity and heat?
W:Yes,that's right.
M:Is there anything like management fee or parking fee?
W:The management fee is included in the rent.But parking is fifty dollars a month.
M:Can I come and have a look at it today?
W:Yes,how about one o'clock this afternoon?
M:One o'clock sounds fine.See you then.
W:See you.
13.How many rooms has the apartment got?
A.Four B.Five C.Six
it’s a one-bedroom apartment,with a living room,a kitchen,a bathroom and a balcony.
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