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海尔集团创立于1984 年,现已发展成为在海内外享有较高美誉的大型国际化企业集团.产品从1984 年的单一冰箱发展到拥有白色家电、黑色家电、米色家电在内的86 大门类13000 多个规格的产品群,并出口到世界160多个国家和地区.2002 年,海尔在全球白色家电竞争力升至世界第五位.2003 年海尔以530 亿元的品牌价值成为中国第一品牌.海尔已成为中国一个标志性企业.海尔的成功绝不是偶然的,他靠的是海尔独具特色的、卓越的经营战略与管理理念.
Haire's group established in 1984,already developed into ineverywhere enjoys a higher fine reputation the large-scaleinternationalization enterprise group.The product developed from 1984sole refrigerator to has the white electrical appliances,the blackelectrical appliances,the cream-colored electrical appliances 86 bigclasses of more than 13,000 specifications product groups,andexported the world more than 160 countries and the area.In 2002,Haire rises in the global white electrical appliances competitiveability to world fifth.In 2003 Haire becomes the Chinese first brandby 53 billion Yuan brands values.Haire has become a Chinese signenterprise.Haire's success is not accidental,he depends on is Haire's special,the remarkable management strategy and the managementidea.