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英文介绍周杰伦 从各个方面介绍 比如生平 出道时间 曲风 专辑等等 至少400词
拒绝翻译器 拒绝东拼西凑
拒绝翻译器 拒绝东拼西凑
Jay Chou
Born in 1979: from jan. 18
Alex: tamkang school to learn music
Animals: horse
Type O blood type:
Star seat: Capricorn
High: 175cm body
Body weight: 60kg
Specially long: writing songs, lyricist, play
Instruments: specialization, cello, guitar, piano, jazz
Music type: R&B
Fixed: basketball shipped
Mantra: just don't dream
Biggest advantage: strong, E sung creative generation of musicians
Biggest weakness: shy, think too much,
Biggest wish: around every corner of the world
Favorite items: cap, shoe
Zho Jielun
Born in 1979: from jan. 30
Alex: tamkang school to learn music
Animals: horse
Type O blood type:
Star seat: Capricorn
High: 175cm body
Body weight: 60kg
Specially long: writing songs, lyricist, play
Instruments: specialization, cello, guitar, piano, jazz
Music type: R&B
Fixed: basketball shipped
Mantra: just don't dream
Biggest advantage: strong, E sung creative generation of musicians
Biggest weakness: shy, think too much,
Biggest wish: around every corner of the world
Favorite items: cap, shoe
Born in 1979: from jan. 18
Alex: tamkang school to learn music
Animals: horse
Type O blood type:
Star seat: Capricorn
High: 175cm body
Body weight: 60kg
Specially long: writing songs, lyricist, play
Instruments: specialization, cello, guitar, piano, jazz
Music type: R&B
Fixed: basketball shipped
Mantra: just don't dream
Biggest advantage: strong, E sung creative generation of musicians
Biggest weakness: shy, think too much,
Biggest wish: around every corner of the world
Favorite items: cap, shoe
Zho Jielun
Born in 1979: from jan. 30
Alex: tamkang school to learn music
Animals: horse
Type O blood type:
Star seat: Capricorn
High: 175cm body
Body weight: 60kg
Specially long: writing songs, lyricist, play
Instruments: specialization, cello, guitar, piano, jazz
Music type: R&B
Fixed: basketball shipped
Mantra: just don't dream
Biggest advantage: strong, E sung creative generation of musicians
Biggest weakness: shy, think too much,
Biggest wish: around every corner of the world
Favorite items: cap, shoe
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