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江苏省黄桥中学高三英语校本讲义非谓语动词专项练习2 93题-116答案 全部的最好
96.Jenny hopes that Mr.Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English in a short period.[2007 福建卷]
A.improved B.improving C.to improve D.improve
97.----Come on,please give me some ideas about the project.
----Sorry.With so much work __ my mind,I almost break down.[2007 福建卷]
A.filled B.filling C.to fill D.being filled
98.As the light turned green,I stood for a moment,not _________,and asked myself what I was going to do.[2007 湖南卷]
A.moved B moving C.to move D.being moved
99.“Things _________ never come again!” I couldn’t help talking to myself.[2007 湖南卷]
A.lost B.losing C.to lose D.have lost
100.----Can I smoke here?----Sorry.We don’t allow ___________ here.[2007 江苏卷]
A.people smoking B.people smoke C.to smoke D.smoking
101.My parents have always made me _________ about myself,even when I was twelve.
[2007 江苏卷]
A.feeling well B.feeling good C.feel well D.feel good
102.He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them _____ in his lectures.[2007 江苏卷]
A.interested B.interesting C.interest D.to interest
103.When asked why he went there,he said he was sent there _______ for a space flight.
[2007 江西卷]
A.training B.being trained C.to have trained D.to be trained
104.____ that she didn’t do a good job,I don’t think I am abler than her.[2007 陕西卷]
A.To have said B.Having said C.To say D.Saying
105.All the staff in our company are considering _______ to the city centre for the fashion show.[2007 上海春]
A.to go B.going C.to have gone D.having gone
106._ the safety of gas,the government has checked the city’s gas supply system thoroughly.[2007 上海春]
A.To ensure B.Ensuring C.Having ensured.D.To have ensured
107.She wants her paintings ______ in the gallery,but we don t think they would be very popular.[2007
A.display B.to display C.displaying D.displayed
108.Peter received a letter just now ________ his grandma would come to see him soon.
[2007 四川卷]
A.said B.says C.saying D.to say
109.The flowers his friend gave him will die unless ________ every day.[2007 四川卷]
A.watered B.watering C.water D.to water
110.The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance,________ in the natural light during the day.[2007 天津卷]
A.to let B.letting C.let D.having let

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