早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1. 大部分同学赞同并陈述他们的理由。(至少写两点)
2. 少部分同学不赞同并陈述他们的理由。
3. 你的观点及理由。
要求:1. 可适当增加细节。      2. 词数:100左右。
After the mid-term examination, a parents’ meeting will be held in our school.

Parents’ meetings are often held in schools in order to have a contact with the school and teachers and improve the students’ study, but different people have different ideas. A few days ago a parents’ meeting was held in our school and here are our views on parents’ meetings.
Most students think it is of great importance to have the meeting for parents to know more about their children at school. What is more, parents can get some good advice and useful information from teachers. On the contrary, a minority of students hold the view that it is useless because they think their parents may know their poor marks and improper behavior at school.
In my opinion, to understand children better, parents should keep in touch with teachers, so parents’ meetings are quite necessary.


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