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用英语简单介绍 辛普森一家这部电影.不少于三百字
"The Simpsons Movie",is based on the FOX cartoon series about Homer,Marge,Bart,Lisa and Maggie.The show relies on the conventions of situation comedy,with the stuff of everyday life being funny.The family has a wacky neighbor,Ned Flanders,who is a widower and evangelical.Homer works for Mr.Burns,an archetypal robber baron for our day.Marge is a stay-at-home mom who struggles to keep her family fed,both physically and spiritually.
The movie took place in Springfield.Time is unknown.
Homer adopts a pig who's run away from Krusty Burger.At the same time,the lake is protected after Green Day sunk in Lake Springfield.In the mean time,Spider Pig's waste has filled up a silo.Homer dumped the silo in the lake,polluting it.Russ Cargill,the leader of EPA,received an order to destroy Springfield,and to put a dome over Springfield to prevent evacuation.Homer,however,has escaped,along with his family,to Alaska.
At the end,Homer and Bart saved the Springfield town and its people by removing the bomb and distroyed the dome.He's the hero again.
Throught out the movie,every joke makes you laugh.There are excellent quotes and great moments.Homer is as funny as in the show.

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