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假如你是李华。去年你在一家国际夏令营帮忙,收获颇丰。今年,你想邀请你的好友 Jane一起参加,请根据夏令营的招聘广告及提示要点给 Jane 写一封 e-mail,不少于120个单词。

One Possible Version 
Dear Jane,
  I have already told you about the job I did last summer in the International Camp for children, do you remember? And this year they are looking for people for the same job so I have thought about you. Why don’t we do it together?
  We will work with children between 8 and 12 and will help with the outdoor activities, sports competitions and children’s games. The camp is situated in a wood, close to a river. It is such a beautiful place! Everybody sleeps in tents, which is very exciting. We have only 5 hours’ work a day so it gives us enough free time to visit the area and do some sports activities on our own. As well as the accommodation, the food is free. It is not wonderful, but it is not the most important.
  The contact with the children, the feeling of freedom, the sense of responsibility and the life in nature make this camp an unforgettable experience.
  Let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in it, but don’t hesitate too much. It is worth!
  I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
                                                             Li Hua

【亮点说明】文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如:I have already told you about the job I did last summer in the International Camp for children, The camp is situated in a wood, close to a river.还运用了定语从句Everybody sleeps in tents, which is very exciting.等。并注意了句子的衔接如:And,so,As well as ,if,but等。

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