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翻译求助!!!谢谢大家了!!十万火急一般来说,一个民族的语言都植根于民族文化的土壤之中,与民族传统相伴而生,与思维方式共同成长,没有文化,语言就不可能生存、发展、完善。语言要生存必须植根于文化,。 从另一方面讲,语言又是文化的核心,没有语言,文化也就没有了生存的载体,文化形态,生活的方法和习俗也是通过语言表达出来的。正是二者的相互作用才使民族的生命活力得到了延续。由此看出文化对语言的形成和发展有着巨大的影响。任何语言必然带有文化的烙印,广告语言也不例外。广告语言的翻译要尤其关注文化的制约由于社会文化不同,英汉民族观察事物、对待事物的角度和观念也不同,反映在广告翻译上就有可能出现译文与原文相悖的情况 哪位英语好的。。帮忙翻一下吧。。。拜托了!!!!
Generally speaking, a nation's language is rooted in the soil of the national culture, national traditions followed by the common way of thinking growth, no culture, language can not survive, development and improvement.,。 Language to survive must be rooted in the culture,. 。 On the other hand, language is the core of culture, not language, culture, there will be no survival of the carrier, culture, customs and way of life is expressed through the language.。 It is the interaction between the two before the nation's vitality has been a continuation of life. 。 This culture of language that the formation and development of a huge impact.。 Inevitable with any language and cultural stigma, advertising language is no exception. Advertising Language translation to the culture of particular concern because of the constraints of different socio-cultural, ethnic Chinese and English observe things, the angle of approach things and concepts are also different, reflected in the advertising translation, it may appear contrary to the original: Which of good English 。 Help brief look at the record it

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