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Junior-level transferTo be considered for UC admission as a junior, you must fulfill both of the following:
1. Complete 60 semester (90 quarter) units of transferable college credit with a GPA of at least 2.4 (2.8 if you're a nonresident). No more than 14 semester (21 quarter) units may be taken Pass/Not Pass.
2. Complete the following course pattern requirements, earning a grade of C or better in each course:
Two transferable college courses (3 semester or 4-5 quarter units each) in English composition
One transferable college course (3 semester or 4-5 quarter units) in mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning;
Four transferable college courses (3 semester or 4-5 quarter units each) chosen from at least two of the following subject areas:
arts and humanities
social and behavioral sciences
physical and biological sciences
Each course must be worth at least 3 semester units.
1,要完成60个我们认可,就是可以转过来的学分的学习,并且绩点要在2.4以上(如果你不是本周公民你的gpa要在2.8以上) 你显然不是本周也不是美国公民 你必然要2.8以上。如果你能转的学分小于等于14个你就可能会被拒绝。
2,要完成一下的课程要求,并且成绩不能低于C,每个课程 不是平均分。
两个college等级的可以转的英语写作课程 3个学分 (中国是semester制度的 我也就不和你说quarter的了 还有我觉得应该是每个课是3个学分吧 所以我觉得应该总共要6个units)anyway
一个college等级并且可以转学分的课程 要是数学概念和应用的
四个college等级的并且可以转学分的课程, 课程范围如下
物理 和 生物科学
我之前的判断没错 是每个课是3个学分
所以总之你要有 (2+1+4)*3= 自己算个可以转的学分 并且你的各科成绩要在C或C以上。
good luck man! lol