早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
An especial day
Yesterday was a wonderful day.The white clouds fluttered [ ] in the blue sky.Helen,Angela and me with Micheal and his sister went to Alex’s home to play with him.
In the afternoon,we decided to cook dinner by ourselves.Then we walked to the market to buy some materials.Because we seldom cooked dinner,in the market,no one knew how to reduce the prise.But we believed nothing is impossible.So we tried and thred.At last,we economized[ ]2.3yuan.
At about five o’clock in the afternoon,we began to cook.I was cooking shrimps which is my favorite food.First,I put some water into the pot.When the water boilinged,I put the shrimps into the water.After a while,the shrimps finished.they looked red and delicious.Then I cooked the other food with Helen.And I thought Helen will be a good wife in the future.Because she really good at cooking.
In that evening,I ate the supper very happily because of the especial food.
An especial day
Yesterday was a wonderful day.The white clouds fluttered [ ] in the blue sky.Helen,Angela and me with Micheal and his sister went to Alex’s home to play with him.
In the afternoon,we decided to cook dinner by ourselves.Then we walked to the market to buy some materials.Because we seldom cooked dinner,in the market,no one knew how to reduce the prise.But we believed nothing is impossible.So we tried and thred.At last,we economized[ ]2.3yuan.
At about five o’clock in the afternoon,we began to cook.I was cooking shrimps which is my favorite food.First,I put some water into the pot.When the water boilinged,I put the shrimps into the water.After a while,the shrimps finished.they looked red and delicious.Then I cooked the other food with Helen.And I thought Helen will be a good wife in the future.Because she really good at cooking.
In that evening,I ate the supper very happily because of the especial food.
materials->vegitables"materials不能用于食物的原料"reduce the prise->bargain(讨价)boilinged->boiled(水开了用"boiled")into the water->into it(避免重复)finished.->was finished.(用被动)she really good at ...
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