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关键字:中国社会 解决策略
To:the problem of poverty has long been a concern of the government and the community focus on the problem of poverty at home and abroad academic research is an important subject of considerable controversy.
The World Bank report showed that the latest development:the world 6 billion population of 2.8 billion people living in extreme poverty - about half the total population - living in a day less than two US dollars,of which 1.2 billion people - about the population 1/5-- daily cost of living is less than one dollar.They live in a fragile social environment.
The 1.3 billion people,China is also facing the problem of poverty.30 million impoverished rural population and more than 10 million urban poor people for a total of Ping,for the objective of social equality is an urgent need to resolve social problems,and also a huge challenge.The need for a lengthy process.
As a large developing country,China has achieved poverty reduction on the cause of noteworthy achievements."2003 Human Development Report" that significantly reduce global poverty population in many ways attributed to the miraculous growth of the Chinese economy,Without China's contribution to world poverty population actually increases over 2000 million people.However,the new century,the population of urban and rural poverty still maintain a larger scale.Following on from the Ministry of Science and Technology to promote the development of China's science and technology research centers of urban and rural residents in the west society findings to the current social conditions of poverty and related social problems to discuss.
Keyword:China solve the social problem of poverty strategy

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