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求一篇关于 字数120左右 年亲人是否要给老人让座的英语作文!
Weather the young should give seats to the old
we always see some phenomence that the old often stand up in the bus,in the public,while the young are sit in the seats leisurely.so we have to think highly of this problem,weather we should give seats to the old.
As we know ,respecting the old and taking care of the child is the tradition sprit of our country,when we attend school .our teacher give us elementary education , that is respecting the old and taking care of the young,but we feel bittterly when some adults ingore the old ,they sit the seat play mobile phone ,siting with their legs crossed.even worse ,theirs behaviors are not good to childrent. It is not advantage for social developments . it influence our images of our country.
in my opinion, the elder are devoted all their youth for life,now ,they should have a happy life,i think the authorities concerned should imphasis the importance on politeness,as the old says:condect decide everything.we should form the good habit of politiness ,undoubtful,we should give seat to the elder.

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