早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




  Government statistics recently revealed that in the UK more than 3 000 people a year experience electric shocks in their home.A smaller number are electrocuted(触电死亡)after contact with power lines outside the home.Electric shocks can cause a person’s heart or breathing to stop can also cause burns and are potentially fatal.It is essential for people to learn basic first aid techniques to deal with such emergencies.

  What to do?

  1.If you are the first person to reach someone who has had an electric shock don’t touch them!

  2.If they are still holding the appliance that has given them the shock unplug it or turn off the power at its source.Under no circumstances should you try to move the appliance with your hand!

  3.If you can’t turn off the power use a piece of wood like a broom handle or a chair to separate the victim(受害者)from the appliance or the power source.You may even be able to do this with a folded newspaper.

  4.The victim must remain lying down.If they are unconscious victims should be placed on their side.But ________ if there is a possibility of neck or spin injuries unless it is absolutely necessary.

  5. It is essential to maintain the victim’s body heat so make sure you cover him or her with a blanket before you do anything else .If the victim is not breathing apply mouth-to-mouth resuscitation(恢复呼吸).Keep the victim’s head low until professional help arrives.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?(Please answer within 15 words.)


2.Which of the sentences in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

In no case should you attempt to remove the power by hand.


3.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


4.Please fill in the blank with proper words to make the sentence completed.(Please answer within 10 words)


5.Which tip do you think is the most important?And why?(Please answer within 30 words)


  1.Christmas   2.My wife tries arguing that her angel was the lovelier one over the other,but is quickly teased.   3.my wife is pregnant/we will soon be parents/we'll soon have a baby,etc.   4.Because their parents are still alive and they are a young couple without kid.   5.如果我妻子的圣诞树是“圣诞老人”装饰的,那谁将会为我的孩子装饰圣诞树呢?