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随着电信产业的迅猛发展和通信网络规模的不断扩大,及时有效地对局间运行的话务量数据进行分析和计算成为电信运营企业面临的越来越重要的需求.而且由此计算能够比较准确的计算出在整个系统中所需要的中继线数,这一点对于电信运营商来说关乎其切身利益.文章立足于目前电信网络运行维护的实际需求,分别介绍了吸引系数法和双因子法两种局间话务量分配的数学模型,在此基础上,通过计算机辅助设计,开发出话务量分配的CAD系统,利用此软件,可以准确、方便、快捷的完成话务量分配的计算过程,求出局间的中继线数,使系统设计最优化,设计成本最小化.对于计算机辅助方面,本文采用了Visual Basic语言,这种语言的优点是便于编辑且界面简单、一目了然.此外,本文还选取了一个典型事例对此CAD系统进行验证.
With the telecom industry and the rapid development of communication network size continues to expand,timely and effective operation of the Bureau of Traffic between data analysis and computation as telecom enterprises are facing increasingly important demand.But can be calculated more accurately calculated in the whole system needs several links,This is critical for telecommunications operators example relates to its vital interests.This article,based on the current telecommunications network operation and maintenance of the actual demand.introduced to attract coefficient and the two-factor method Bureau Traffic between the mathematical model,on this basis,through computer-aided design,develop Traffic distribution of CAD systems,the use of this software can accurately and conveniently.Traffic speedy completion of the calculation of the distribution process,for the game between the number of links,the system design optimization,Design costs are minimized.For CAD,we use Visual Basic language,This language has the advantage of ease of editing and interface simple and transparent.In addition,the paper also selected a typical example of this CAD system certification.

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